Some Paramotor News
Congratulations to Hugo and Ross Turner, AKA the Turner Twins, who have had their World Record Electric Tandem Paramotor altitude flight ratified by the FAI.

On the 30th of October 2024 they took advantage of an amazing high-pressure system over the Alps and, taking off from a rugby pitch in Val d’Isère, they reached 2,613m on a custom-built Parajet Maverick. This is the official FAI record:
Subclass: RPF2E
Type of record: altitude
Performance: 2,613m
Aircraft: Parajet Open PPG 140
Date: 30th Oct 2024

Hopefully, this will help kickstart further development into electric paramotors. You can discover more about the project here.
SkySchool’s Top Tips for Paramotoring
We regularly receive messages from people worldwide who thank us for the educational videos we have posted on our YouTube Channel. We thought reviewing some of these films would be good to see how techniques have evolved over the years.
The first films, released back in 2018, were part of our Beginner Top Tips series. The Ground Handling film has had more than 80,000 views and very little has changed in the last six and a half years since its release. We still believe that you can never do enough ground handling!
Unsurprisingly, the most popular Top Tips episode from 2018 is our Landing film, which has had more than 90,000 views. Yet again, very little has changed with the two main techniques described in the film the most important being that you always land into the wind. As the saying goes, take-off is optional but landing is compulsory!
In 2019 we released our first few episodes in the Advanced Top Tips series. As you can see from the films, the equipment was up to date for the time but since then Parajet and Ozone have released more modern equipment, which changes the way we do things a bit. For example, we no longer do the Powered Launch as the Maverick chassis has too much flex in the cage, which means the prop can touch the lines. Another thing we have added to our take-off procedure is the Taxi.
Last year, during our SkyWeek Dolomites trip, we made a five-part series about the most ‘Common Paramotoring Mistakes’. Although these have not had the same number of views as the two previous Top Tips series, we have received positive feedback from them. As they are less than a year old, they are all still up to date.
Finally, as some of you know, we have started a new Mini Top Tips series. We intend to do these this year and request you email us your suggestions.
That’s all for now! Until next time…